Essential Oils Saved Me

Jan 25, 2022

4 years ago Essential Oils saved me!

I had an emergency C-section with my son, @sirjamesgamer After losing my oxygen levels and James in the NICU for a week.

I was in victim mode and feeling sorry for myself. James couldn't latch. I had PTSD so badly that I was barely able to go outside. I was living in #NYC 2 blocks from #centralpark and never left the house. Instead of celebrating his birth, we took home an empty carseat and left our baby at #weilcornell

I felt like a failure as a mom and as a human being.

I somehow muddled through life. I stayed at home with James for a year and a half, mostly because I was terrified something may happen to him but also because I was completely lost in life. 

I had a 20-year career in fashion. After I relocated to #washingtondc my career was over. Talk about an identity crisis.

Fast forward to my pregnancy with @milalexington 

I had finally gotten up enough confidence to have another child and do the birth again. I vowed to have a natural birth this time!

In my 8th month of pregnancy the universe sent me a miracle, an answer to my prayers. The magic of plant medicine in a bottle.

My mentor and up-line @elenabrower introduced me to @doterra And once I cracked open my first bottle of #onguard it was like I understood the meaning of life. Everything looked different. I removed the toxins in my home and started cleaning with oils and taking them internally.

I quickly researched protocols for a natural birth and followed them to a T. I birthed my beautiful baby girl @sibleymemorialhospital naturally. Free of an epidural and ANY pain meds.

On my maternity leave, I quickly launched an essential oil business, sharing protocols with other women and moms in my community.

It is my mission to share my stories and tools to help eradicate unnecessary chemicals in households across the US and globe.

Let's live a life of freedom, where we feel in control of our own health and happiness. Everything we need is inside of us.

I have a morning ritual of putting rose all over my face—It’s the highest vibe oil. I want to show up in the world everyday as my best self. I follow up with a concoction I make which includes Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Blue Tansy, Yarrow Pom and Copaiba in Jojoba oil. It helps my skin glow and helps me relax. My decaf morning beverage also gets a couple of drops of Frankie and Copaiba to help regulate the nervous system. When the nervous system is at ease, your body feels safe and therefore able to uplevel smoothly. When our body feels unsafe or in flight or fight we can’t manifest as easily.

I also use the oils on the kids, rolling them down the spine with On Guard and Frank. Their pediatrician mentioned how they never get sick and asked my secret, and I said essential oils. Our night time routine consists of Serenity, Siberian fir and Juniper Berry. They all help with relaxation and sleep. Rest is a key component to overall well being.

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