Personal Coaching  


Knowledge is POWER! Distill + Express programs are powerful by design. A certified Life and Success Coach, Jamie Sabat inspires her clients using specialized, trusted, and proven techniques that transform the MIND, BODY + SOUL.

 There isn't just one approach to wellness. Distill + Express programs combine education, relaxation, and meditation. Programs are personalized, and guarantee powerful immediate and long-term results.

Jamie uses methods including EFT, Hypnosis, NLP + TIME Techniques™ to help clients directly attract exactly what they desire into their lives.​ These methods can be applied to every situation, personal or professional. 

Benefits of Distill + Express programs include increased awareness, greater self-esteem, stronger relationships with people, and stronger relationships with money. Manifesting is contagious! With diligence and practice, the first manifestation will trigger the universe to deliver more.

Book Your Personal Coaching Session

Breakthrough Day

Many times you’re your own worst enemy, whether you know that or not. You subconsciously create your own obstacles to achieving your own success. Sound crazy? We’ll show you how, and then we’ll help you fix it.

Let’s spend a day in a personal intensive workshop to immediately break through your boundaries and release into the universe what you want for your life. Through EFT, Hypnosis and NLP + TIME Techniques™ you’ll reprogram your brain to embrace your success.

The cost for a day of bursting through major blocks, powerfully rewiring your subconscious and your energy field to become aligned with your purpose is $5,555.

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One-on-One Coaching

The best part of your future starts here. Master life-changing techniques with this intensive course taught by Master Mentor, Jamie Sabat.

In order to adopt a practice into being a permanent part of your life, you must repeat it, enjoy it, and share it with others. We start with identifying practices that work for your lifestyle, creating routines that work for your schedule, and adopting a mindset that works for your goals.

All it takes is one hour a week for eight weeks. We’ll hold you accountable for your future while also giving you the tools you need to manifest what you’ve always dreamed. Sound too good to be true? Oh, if only you knew the power you hold… 

The cost to make massive abundance your new rule for your life with the Universal Laws is $3,999.

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Women’s Group

We can do it, together!

Manifestation techniques, applied to groups, multiply the miracles. Strengthen your family unit or business organization by learning to work effectively together.

The cost to feel good about magnetizing abundance and making an impact is $3,333 per group.

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